Five ways legal cannabis can change the world.

Even though cannabis legalization in Canada is so new, it’s hard to forget that it was illegal and still really is around the world. Even going to a cannabis store near me, we find people that are nervous about being seen. Calgary cannabis stores are in every quadrant of the city. So, imagine if tomorrow we could legalize cannabis for the entire world. Here are the top 5 ways legal cannabis can change the world.

  1. We are putting this one right at the top as it’s super important. It’s time we remove past non-violent drug charges as the persecution of those using cannabis for many years needs to be overturned. Even though it’s legal today in Canada and many states, people are still in prison for consuming it. This has been a wrong that generations now have paid for and will continue to pay for. This, especially in the past, has targeted those in communities with less access to supports.
    This step must be done even without the dream of legalizing cannabis throughout the world. You can find out more about a support program through these guys.
  2. Legalizing cannabis, which has happened in Canada, creates jobs and business across more than just cannabis, but also in support industries. Packaging, trades, manufacturing, and of course, lots of other businesses directly in the field of cannabis too. The economic and social benefits are massive for creating tax income as well as opportunities for many people. Just alone, the amount of Calgary Cannabis Dispensaries is enormous in really only two years.
  3. The medical benefits of cannabis are well researched, and only growing. Imagine the impact that Marijuana clinics could have in positively impacting the public. Being a regulated recreational dispensary, we can’t speak to medical options, but the ability of it potentially helping so many people; can’t be ignored.
    Almost weekly at our dispensaries, we will have people coming in who look for medical options or advice. We, of course, can’t help them, but it speaks to the need of many looking for help.
  4. Hemp is a fantastic product derived from the cannabis plant. It’s a renewable resource that could eliminate or offset many other less environmentally friendly options. Many different products are made using hemp, including clothing, paper, rope, fuel, and construction. Many innovations are using hemp to create multiple different types of building materials. These materials are often much cheaper and much more robust. On top of that, the plant itself is very good at keeping away pests, meaning heavy use of pesticides, can be avoided as well.
  5. Harm reduction has always been a big part of cannabis legalization in many ways. All thought, it’s important to remember that cannabis, like many other things, can be abused. It can also be of great help. Cannabis has been shown to significantly affect those who struggle with opioids and provide a far safer and manageable solution for them. Many people who traditionally choose alcohol are trying cannabis instead.

Five ways legal cannabis can change the world.

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