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Strain Review Sunday: Double Feature!

This week I’ve got a very special edition of Strain Review Sunday, a double feature showcasing what is very possibly two of my new top 5 – favorite’s even! First in line is Purple Punch Mints #11 from Joi Botanicals. I had really high expectations set for this one partly because of the hype that has been built within the community around this strain, but also because Joi has become synonymous with quality as far as my own personal experiences go. They certainly did not disappoint! Purple Punch Mints was AMAZING! The mark on that expectation of quality was certainly met. Part of what I love about Joi so much is how much care and attention to detail they put into their products. Single strain rooms, fully automated environmental controls, full term flowering cycles, ozone and UV water treatment, hang dried, hand trimmed and cured for 11-14 days. The best part? Grown right here in Alberta, so you can feel good about supporting local.

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As far as the bud goes, my jar was filled with huge, nerfy buds that were absolutely frosted with trichomes. On the nose I got what reminded me of slicing a warm blueberry muffin and slathering it in butter. Once I ground it up, there were definitely more grape undertones released that translated right into the taste. Think buttered blueberry muffin with a grape juice box to drink. DELICIOUS! Smooth smoke with white ash and absolutely wonderful effects that left me relaxed and in a great mood. The terpenes that are found in this stain include Limonene, Myrcene and Linalool.

Overall-  10/10, great job Joi!

Next in line is the Mango Kush from Greenseal Cannabis Co. This was a completely new licensed holder to me and the first product of theirs that I have tried, so this review will include some thoughts on my overall first impressions at the end of it. Visually the bud was stunning.  Medium sized nugs that were a bright green with deep orange woven throughout it and a light dusting of trichomes throughout the nugs. Although it was not as nerfy as expected based on the feel of the bag, the buds were not dry at all and looked/felt extremely smooth once ground.

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The nose from the bag smelt exactly like fresh mangoes with a hint of citrus on the finish.  On the grind the scent did not change and translated extremely well into the taste. Overall smoke was very smooth and gave off a white ash and a great taste. It’s effects were very balanced as expected based on its claim of being a 50/50 indica to sativa hybrid and could be felt both cerebrally and physically. Dominant terpenes that can be found in this strain include Caryophyllene, Myrcene, Pinene, and Selina Dienes. At first look, it seemed apparent that it was hand trimmed, which upon further investigation of their website, it was revealed that it is indeed. Another observation from their website is they grow in small batches in a controlled, multi-level, indoor environment. Overall, I am quite impressed with both the strain and Greenseal as a whole! I would definitely give another Greenseal product a try. It seems that they have great innovation and care about the cannabis that they’re putting on the market which any consumer can appreciate!

Overall: 8/10

Strain Review Sunday: Double Feature!

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but I guess we could fit you in.

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