What You Need to Know So You Can Choose the Right CBD Oil

So often, at our dispensaries in Calgary and Chestermere, we talk to people interested in understanding more and more about CBD. Every age and every type of person you can imagine has thought about or does use it for several reasons. However, the most consistent trend is a lack of understanding of what CBD oil to pick and why. Some cannabis dispensaries are well educated on CBD, and the dispensary near you might be ready to go. That said, we think with the below blog, you will better understand what CBD you’re looking for.

Before we get too deep, we want to be clear on the only two routes you can take that are legal to get CBD. The first is a marijuana clinic, and there are, in fact, many marijuana clinics in Calgary. These clinics have specialized and trained doctors to be able to break down any medical needs you might have. The next is a Cannabis Dispensary like ours. We have lots of CBD solutions, but we cannot speak to you about medical benefits or your medical needs.


There are plenty of ways to start using CBD and understanding what one would work best for you is the best place to start. You can get CBD in oil, capsules, gummies, chocolate, dried flower, beverages, creams, vapes, and even lip balm. To figure this out, you should first ask yourself two key questions. 

  • How often do I need to use the CBD?
  • What can I afford to spend?

These two questions will help us as Budtenders to know your needs better. If you have a consistent need to use it, oils and capsules will be far more cost-effective and expansive in choices. If you need it casually, maybe an edible or even smoked will be good.


Understanding what sort of potency, you need is going to be critical. This will ultimately be up to you as its relative to your need for CBD in the first place. Do you have a significant problem? Then maybe a higher dosage is the best bet for you. Our Chestermere Dispensary and Calgary Dispensary both have CBD oil up to 100mg. We also have more flexible options right down to 5mg. With oil especially, you can use a syringe to manage your dosage yourself.


The most common misconception people have is they have been told they can get CBD without THC. This request comes from a place very often of just not wanting or being uncomfortable with the potential for intoxication. This notion is ultimately incorrect. Culture cannabis itself has many different types of cannabinoids, but in Canada, at least for the moment, we are only regulated to list THC and CBD. Here is a simple list of a few.

  • CBG (Cannabigerol)
  • THC (Δ9–tetrahydrocannabinol)
  • CBD (Cannabidiol)
  • CBC (Cannabichromene)
  • CBGV (Cannabigerivarin)
  • THCV (Tetrahydrocannabivarin)
  • CBDV (Cannabidivarin)
  • CBCV (Cannabichromevarin)

Removing the THC altogether is just not possible and not really needed. Each cannabinoid plays a part. What ultimately, we are looking for is CBD with non-intoxicating levels of THC.

Full Spectrum vs Broad Spectrum:

This part of the subject is where we get a lot more sciency, so let’s keep this one super simple. All CBD will, of course, inevitably start as a plant that’s harvested. There are many ways to begin processing oil, but the most cost-effective way produces Broad Spectrum oil. Because the method to get this is so cost-effective, it is also very aggressive and does not do a good job maintaining the cannabinoids in the plant. All through the CBD will still be very effective, it’s not as great, especially for people with severe conditions. Full-spectrum will be a more expensive product because the process to produce it is much more time-consuming and requires you to maintain the original flower much better.

Regardless of your needs, our weed dispensary will easily be able to take care of you and get you into the right choice for CBD. Come stop by to shop our vast selection of products at either our Chestermere or Mount Royal locations or even shop online!

What You Need to Know So You Can Choose the Right CBD Oil

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